OCIA Sessions begin in September and are generally held from 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm in the Parish Hall. At this time, we are planning on having in-person meetings..
If you are interested in the Catholic faith, we invite you to participate in the process of becoming Catholic. This process is called the Order of Christian Initiation of Adults or OCIA. Through the OCIA process, the baptized and un-baptized alike can question and learn what "being Catholic is all about" in a relaxed and unpressured environment. If you would like more information, check our FAQ.
The OCIA is a series of classes and gathering to prepare adults for the Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation and Holy Eucharist, and into full communion with the Catholic Church. It is the principal means used to introduce the Catholic Faith to those who are interested in becoming Catholics. The OCIA program is a discernment process and does not require a commitment to become Catholic. The culmination of this preparation occurs at the Easter Vigil Celebration, which is held on the Saturday evening before Easter Sunday. At this vigil, those who have been preparing to receive the Sacraments of Initiation are received into full communion with the Church.
The culmination of this preparation occurs at the Easter Vigil Celebration, the Saturday evening before Easter Sunday, when those who have been preparing to receive the Sacraments of Initation, and are received into full communion with the Church.
The OCIA is open to any adult, including those who have no knowledge or experience with any religion. Younger people (under 18 years of age) are offered separate programs by St. Jude.
We are here to welcome you, introduce you to the team, share our faith, and help you begin your faith journey.
To register for OCIA, please click here and submit an inquirer form as soon as possible.
If you and your spouse need to convalidate your marriage it is required you will both need to attend a Convalidation Workshop on Saturday, December 16, 2023 from 9am-1pm. Please click on the link below to register. Please note there is a fee and a deadline of November 17, 2023 to register. Nursery is provided during the workshop but requires pre-registration of children at [email protected].
According to church law (which some may or not be aware) the Catholic party has a responsibility to approach the church at the time of marriage. If this is not done, a convalidation is needed for one to fully participate in the sacraments of the church.
The benefits of convalidation are enormous: peace of heart, oneness with the Church, reception of the Sacrament of Matrimony and God's special blessing upon the marriage.” [“Bringing Your Marriage Into the Church,” Msgr. Joseph M. Champlin, Catholic Update, St. Anthony Messenger Press, 2004.]
Click here to register