Patrons are asked to sign out a book or multimedia item by placing their name and contact information and the name of the book or multimedia item on the clipboard on the counter. The loan period is three weeks and all materials are requested to be returned within that time frame so items can be made available for other parishioners.
Collection Development/Selection Criteria
The following guidelines are used by the Library Committee to determine the suitability of all materials, donated or purchased, that are available for check out. The intent is to adhere to our Catholic doctrine and dogma by following the Magisterium of the Church. Books must be in good condition, with strong bindings and no excessive damage. We currently do not accept cassette tapes or VCR tapes. The library seeks to collect non-fiction materials that are in agreement with the Catechism and teachings of the Catholic faith. Due to limited space, fiction material donations are limited to children’s books and certain adult series. Multiple copies of an item may be kept in circulation but will be limited to allow space for a variety of materials.
Individuals wishing to donate materials to the library can drop off materials marked for donation at the large wooden box by the door of the library. The materials will then be used at the discretion of the library committee in accordance with our policies. Donations to the library in the form of money, memorials or in honor of someone, are very much appreciated to help our library continue to grow and serve our parish.
Space is limited in the library and it is inevitable that some materials will need to be discarded (“weeded”) in order to make room for newer materials. Materials will be deselected from the collection based on one or more of the following criteria:
The library is open whenever the church is open. We have a self check-out system.