(Information is taken from the Sacramental Guidelines of the Catholic Diocese of Dallas and the Catechism of the Catholic Church.)
1. Each child may have a Godfather and a Godmother, but only one Godparent is necessary.
2. Each Godparent must register for a Baptism Preparation Class. To register for the class at St. Jude, please complete the Godparent/Sponsor Class Registration Form.
3. The Godparent or Godparents must be at least 16 years old.
4. To be a Godparent, one must be a fully initiated Catholic (baptized, confirmed, and received Eucharist).
5. A Godparent must be leading a sacramental life in harmony with the church. This means they are attending Mass regularly and receiving the sacraments.
6. If married, the Godparent must be married according to the norms of the Catholic Church.
7. The Godparent must be willing to accept the responsibility of assisting the parents in developing the faith life of the child.
8. The Godparent may not be the Father or Mother of the one to be baptized.
9. Although people of some cultures sometimes choose multiple Godparents, only two names can actually be entered in the Baptismal record.
10. Godparents must attend a Baptism Preparation Class. If the class attended is at another Catholic Church then a letter acknowledging their attendance is required.
11. If the Godparent or Godparents are not members of St. Jude Parish, a letter of “Good Standing” is needed from their parish of attendance. The “Godparent Affidavit” is available online. This letter should be received in the church office a minimum of two weeks before the scheduled Baptism.
12. If you are a parishioner at St. Jude and need a letter of “Good Standing” to act as godparent at a baptism conducted in another parish, please complete the Request for Permission Form.