There is wide-spread support for both the alcoholic/addict as well as for their family and friends. An important concept is that alcohol abuse and addictions affect the entire family of the affected individual. Many times, in a sincere attempt to help the alcoholic/addict, the family and friends may actually enable or further the impact of the disease in the loved one. Consequently, the family is encouraged to also seek help in coping with the person affected with alcoholism and/or addictions.
Two organizations that support recovery for the family and friends of the alcoholic/addict are Al-Anon and Alateen. Not surprisingly, the effect that the alcoholic/addict behavior has on an adult can be significantly different from the impact on a child. Consequently, while both Al-Anon and Alateen are aligned organizations and follow similar paths to address the problems, they are intended to relate to different types of problems and possible solutions based on adult and child relationships.
Information on Al-Anon and Alateen is provided below, while information for alcohol and drug addiction recovery resources are provided on the CAAM web page for Alcohol Abuse or this CAAM web page for Drug Abuse.
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