The Way to healing, growth and hope for those experiencing separation or divorce.
We strive to be a Catholic resource of spiritual and practical help for families that are hurting because of broken relationships and to give hope to those experiencing separation and divorce. Our energies are directed toward supporting, helping, enabling and empowering each other in THE WAY of hope, faith and love.
"Pope St. John Paul II calls upon pastors and the whole community of the faithful to help the divorced with considerate care, to make sure they do not consider themselves as separated from the Church.... Let the Church pray for them, encourage them and show herself to be a merciful mother and thus sustain them in faith and hope." Nothing, not even divorce or death, can place limits on God's love.
Our goal is to become a source of spiritual strength and wisdom; to process the grief; to ease the pain; to give comfort and hope to those experiencing separation or divorce.
Our ministry will resume our weekly meetings on Thursday, September 5th and continue each Thursday from 6:45 PM to 8:00 PM. These sessions will follow the program. You can also purchase an optional book for $15. Our sessions will cover topics such as anger, prayer, children, ex-spouses, healing, and annulments. We will also have social gatherings once a month.